Saturday, July 7, 2012

50 Cent - 5 (Murder By Numbers) MIXTAPE REVIEW

50 Cent - 5 (Murder By Numbers)

A few months ago, 50 Cent announced he would be releasing new album with or without his labels support in July. Once the date came, he fulfilled his word but took it a step forward. He announced that the 10 track album would be released to his fans for free and announced a retail album will be released this fall. 


5 (Murder by Numbers) brings that forward that classic 50 Cent delivery, hard rhymes over street beats. Although his delivery works on some tracks and fails on others, coming off as a lazy attempt at a track. It’s no lie that the “hunger” we all heard in his voice when he first blew up is not there anymore but on tracks like “NY” and “United Nations” the delivery falls flat. 

Business Mind with Hayes is an example of a track that works. The beat screams classic G-Unit Street record along with your typical 50 cent hook. Need a song for your smoke session? “Roll That Shit” with Kidd Kidd has you covered. This track will definitely be a favorite off the mixtape with the catchy hook and beat to go with it.

What’s a 50 Cent project without something for the ladies? “Definition Of Sexy” is just that, radio ready hook and following the typical blueprint he has followed over the years. If it ain’t broke then why fix it? If that is not enough for you ladies out there, 50 has you covered with “Be My Bitch” with Brevi. A Bonnie and Clyde type song about a Shorty holding it down for you. Probably the most talked about track finishes the mixtape, “Can I Talk To You” featuring Black Hippie rapper on the move SchoolBoy Q. The track does not disappoint, with no one over shadowed providing a nice way to end the mixtape. 

Overall, the best way to describe the project as a whole is as follows: Begins with street records, takes a smoke break, talks about all his cash, shifts his attentions to the ladies and ends with a nice surprise. Although not flawless, it is one of his better work to date. 

Tracks worth checking out: Roll That Shit, Turn The Lights On, Definition Of Sexy, Be My Bitch & Can I Speak To You.

Overall Score: 3.5 out of 5

Download the mixtape at Live Mixtapes

Until next time!

Stay Fresh!


Follow me on Twitter @ThaRealMigs

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